Quick answer: As of 2nd April 2016, NBN Co implemented a $300 charge for all connections made in areas they have identified as within the boundary of a new development. If you’ve heard about the new development charge being applied by NBN Co, you may be wondering whether or not this will impact you. Even if you haven’t heard, we’re here to provide all the information you’ll need to know about this new NBN Co charge.
What is the NBN Co New Development Charge?
The Australian Government have recently released a policy regarding charges for building new telecommunications infrastructure in development areas. Previously nbn™ were responsible for meeting the cost of providing fibre to new developments, however, this new policy stipulates the cost will now be passed onto both the developers and actual households that are being connected.
As of 2nd April 2016, NBN Co implemented a $300 charge for all connections made in areas they have identified as within the boundary of a new development. The decision was made to shift the cost of infrastructure onto the “parties that use or benefit from them”. The charge is a partial recovery cost for the NBN Co for providing telecommunications infrastructure in new development areas.
What does this mean for me?
If you are not in a new development or “greenfield” area where Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) is being rolled out, the charges should not have any impact on you (there will be some minor exceptions we will explain further down). If you are in a greenfield or new development area, as determined by the NBN Co, and want to get connected to the nbn™ network, then the $300 fee will apply.
Will I be informed if the NBN Co New Development Charge when I sign up with you?
Yes, if the New Development Charges applies, we’ll inform you and get your permission before you’re charged.
Who does this affect?
The New Development charge will apply to:
- New customers signing up for Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) services where there is not currently a connection. In most cases, these would be in Greenfields areas.
- It may also affect Fibre to the Node (FTTN) and fixed wireless customers in some Brownfield areas. In this context, charges will apply whenever there is a new build that previously did not have an nbn™ connection point (e.g. if a developer buys a property then builds a duplex on the original plot – while the existing property might have had an nbn™ connection the ‘new development’ now contains two houses and therefore requires the nbn™ to connect up the two ‘new’ sites).
Who should pay for the NBN Co New Development Charge?
As the nbn™ service is in your name and the NBN Co New Development Charge applies, you’ll need to pay the $300 fee.
Can I dispute the NBN Co New Development Charge with you as my nbn™ Retail Service Provider?
No, you can’t dispute the New Development Charge with us. The reason for this is it is an Australian Government Policy directive which requires the NBN Co to pass on the cost onto households which have been identified by the NBN Co as a new development area. In other words, the Australian Government has directed the NBN Co to charge retail service providers like us and we only pass this cost onto you in accordance with the Australian Government Policy directive.
Until the Australian Government Policy directive is changed, the nbn™ New Development Charge will apply.
Do you make any money from on-charging the New Development Charge?
No, we only pass on the New Development Charge to you at the same cost that we get charged by the NBN Co.
How can I lodge a complaint about the New Development Charge?
If you wish to make a complaint about the New Development Charge, we have included some useful contact details of where you may lodge a complaint.
Complaints may be made and updates on the progress of complaints obtained by contacting the NBN Co Complaints Team online or on the following:
- by email to [email protected]
- by phone to 1800 687 626
- by mail Locked Bag 27, Gold Coast MC, 9726
- by fax to Complaint Team 1800 106 033.
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