Quick answer: All types of nbn™ broadband access network connections that utilise a physical line running to the premises are considered Fixed Line connections. An nbn™ Fibre to the Node (FTTN) connection is utilised in circumstances where the existing copper phone and internet network from a nearby fibre node is used to make the final part of the connection to the nbn™ access network.
The fibre node is likely to take the form of a street cabinet. Each street cabinet will allow the nbn™ access network signal to travel over a fibre optic line from the exchange, to the cabinet, and connect with the existing copper network to reach your premises.
Setting up your equipment!
To prepare for your new nbn™ powered plan, simply set up your VDSL2 compatible modem. If you have purchased a modem from Australia Broadband, it will compatible with all nbn™ technology types (including FTTN) and will be pre-configured with our Australia Broadband internet settings.
If you are using a BYO modem, it must be VDSL2 compatible for it to work over the nbn™ access network. Visit Can I bring my own modem with Australia Broadband? for more information.
FAQs about FTTN
What speeds can I expect for an FTTN service?
The nbn™ FTTN network is designed to offer access (for most premises) to a range of internet speeds.
The actual speed you will experience depends on a number of factors including; how far away your premises is located from the FTTN cabinet, the maximum line speed available, your line condition, local conditions such as internet traffic, your hardware and software, the data source or destination, software, the plan you choose, the performance of your modem, Wi-Fi, cabling, and other devices in your home.
We’ll run speed tests to confirm your maximum line speed when your nbn™ service is working and tell you if a different nbn™ plan is more suitable for your home. If you select a plan that you later find does not work for you (or your home), you can change your plan anytime at no charge. We’ll always recommend the right plan for you, even if that means you pay less.
Read more about Internet Speeds
A node has been installed out the front of my property, how can I have this relocated or moved?
The location of the node may vary depending on the technology infrastructure of the area.
You can raise an objection to the location of the node with the following considerations in mind:
- NBN Co and its Delivery Partners have positioned the node in a place that meets network requirements, avoids significant environmental and heritage impacts, minimises impacts on surrounding properties and has the least impact on the use of the road reserve.
- Relocation of a node may result in reduced service provision to other residents within an area.
- The Commonwealth Telecommunications Act gives nbn™ the authority to install the node in the proposed position. Under this act, nbn™ must issue a formal notice to the council, as they own the land, to confirm the location.
What’s in an FTTN cabinet?
Your local node (FTTN cabinet) is made up of multiple crucial components:
- Main Equipment Compartment: This contains the electronics and VDSL equipment.
- Battery Compartment (battery backup): This contains four batteries and two cooling vents protected by mesh, one at the front of the cabinet and one at the rear.
- Copper Cross-Connect Compartment: This contains the Copper Cross-Connect Frame (CCF) and cable entry points from underneath the cabinet that leads to the pillar.
- Heat Exchange: This contains the cooling equipment; one cooling vent protected by mesh and cable entry points from underneath the cabinet that leads to the power source and nbn™ distribution network. The cabinet is able to operate at temperatures of 50°C.
Will a battery backup be installed in my local node (FTTN cabinet) in case of a power outage?
Generally, a battery backup is installed in each cabinet. To find out about what components are installed in your nearest cabinet, you can contact the NBN Co on 1800 687 626 or email [email protected].
How can I have my telephone wall socket relocated for FTTN?
If you need to install a new telephone wall socket or relocated it within your premises, please contact us to discuss your options. Read more about What is an NBN Co Non-Standard Installation?